Anti-Corruption Layer

The integration of systems or processes using messaging or events can lead to unforeseen information-level coupling. To combat this, message-driven systems use ACLs (anti-corruption layers) to filter and transform communication between sender and receiver.

EventSauce ships with a set of tools to create rich and versatile ACLs that decrease information-level coupling. A combination of filters and translators limit and transform messages, converting producer-centric messages into consumer-centric ones.

Let’s see how it all comes together.

1. Message Translation

Converting messages is done by message translators. Message translators are classes that implement the MessageTranslator interface.

namespace AcmeCorp\SomeDomain;

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\MessageTranslator;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Message;

class MyMessageTranslator implements MessageTranslator
    public function translateMessage(Message $message) : Message
        // convert the message and return it, or return the original message.

If you do not wish to convert the message at all, you can use the passthrough translator. This built-in implementation simply passes on the original message.

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\PassthroughMessageTranslator;

$translator = new PassthroughMessageTranslator();

2. Message Filtering

Message filters limit the messages an ACL allows to go through. Message filters are classes that implement the MessageFilter interface.

namespace AcmeCorp\SomeDomain;

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\MessageFilter;use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Message;

class AllowOnlyPublicEvents implements MessageFilter
    public function allows(Message $message) : bool
        return $message->event() instanceof PublicEvent;

interface PublicEvent {}

3.1 Create an Outbound ACL

The outbound ACL is a message dispatcher decorator that uses filters and a translator, forwarding only relevant messages onto the inner dispatcher.

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\AllowAllMessages;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\AntiCorruptionMessageDispatcher;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Message;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\MessageDispatcher;

/** @var MessageDispatcher $innerDispatcher **/
$innerDispatcher = create_transporting_message_dispatcher();

$messageDispatcher = new AntiCorruptionMessageDispatcher(
    new MyMessageTranslator(),
    filterBefore: new AllowOnlyPublicEvents(), // optional
    filterAfter: new AllowAllMessages(), // optional

$messageDispatcher->dispatch(new Message(new SomethingHappened('important')));

3.2 Create an Inbound ACL

The inbound ACL is a message consumer decorator that uses filters and a translator, forwarding only relevant messages onto the inner consumer.

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\AllowAllMessages;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\AntiCorruptionMessageConsumer;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Message;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\MessageConsumer;

/** @var MessageConsumer $innerConsumer **/
$innerConsumer = create_transporting_message_consumer();

$messageConsumer = new AntiCorruptionMessageConsumer(
    new MyMessageTranslator(),
    filterBefore: new AllowOnlyPublicEvents(), // optional
    filterAfter: new AllowAllMessages(), // optional

$messageConsumer->handle(new Message(new SomethingHappened('important')));

Built-in message filter implementations

A number of message filters are built-in:


Allows filtering events/payloads by class-names.

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\AllowMessagesWithPayloadOfType;

$filter = new AllowMessagesWithPayloadOfType(


Allows all messages to pass through

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\AllowAllMessages;

$filter = new AllowAllMessages();


Allows no messages to pass through

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\NeverAllowMessages;

$filter = new NeverAllowMessages();


Only passes on messages if all inner filters allow the message to pass through.

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\MatchAllMessageFilters;

$filter = new MatchAllMessageFilters(
    new MyFilter(),
    new AnotherFilter(),


Passes on messages if any of the inner filters allows the message to pass through.

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\MatchAnyMessageFilter;

$filter = new MatchAnyMessageFilter(
    new MyFilter(),
    new AnotherFilter(),

Built-in message translators

A number of messages translators are built-in, enabling rich compositions:


Passes on messages unmodified.

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\PassthroughMessageTranslator;

$translator = new PassthroughMessageTranslator();


Uses a specific translator per payload class-name.

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\MessageTranslatorPerPayloadType;

$translator = new MessageTranslatorPerPayloadType([
    SomePayload::class => new SomePayloadTranslator(),
    AnotherPayload::class => new AnotherPayloadTranslator(),


Uses multiple translators and passes the message through each

use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AntiCorruptionLayer\MessageTranslatorChain;

$translator = new MessageTranslatorChain(
    new SomePayloadTranslator(), // first pass
    new AnotherPayloadTranslator(), // second pass

Testing Anti corruption layers

New in 3.1

Anti corruption layers can be tested using the AntiCorruptionLayerTestCase class.

class AntiCorruptionLayerTest extends AntiCorruptionLayerTestCase
     * @test
    public function it_passes_trough_all_messages()
            new Message(new EventA())
            fn($dispatcher) => new AntiCorruptionMessageDispatcher(
                new PassthroughMessageTranslator(),
                filterBefore: new AllowAllMessages(),
                filterAfter: new AllowAllMessages(),
            new Message(new EventA())
     * @test
    public function it_tests_anti_corruption_layer_message_consumer()
            new EventA()
            fn($consumer) => new AntiCorruptionMessageConsumer(
                new PassthroughMessageTranslator(),
                filterBefore: new AllowAllMessages(),
                filterAfter: new AllowAllMessages(),
            new EventA()

For more elaborate ACL setups, you can configure the ACL once, and run multiple scenarios. By overriding the antiCorruptionDispatcher and antiCorruptionConsumer methods, you can specify the default ACLs used by all test cases in the class.

class AntiCorruptionLayerTest extends AntiCorruptionLayerTestCase
     * Configure the default ACL dispatcher
    protected function antiCorruptionDispatcher(
        MessageDispatcher $dispatcher
    ): AntiCorruptionMessageDispatcher {
        return new AntiCorruptionMessageDispatcher(
            new TranslateEventAToEventB()

     * Configure the default ACL consumer
    protected function antiCorruptionConsumer(
        MessageConsumer $consumer
    ): AntiCorruptionMessageConsumer {
        return new AntiCorruptionMessageConsumer(
            new TranslateEventBToEventA()

     * @test
    public function events_are_converted_back_and_forth()
            new Message(new EventA('input value'))
            new Message(new EventA('input value'))
Frank de Jonge

EventSauce is a project by Frank de Jonge.