Message Outbox

Events recorded by an aggregate root are stored for reconstitution and dispatched to notify interested consumers. It is common to use a queue for dispatch events. Using a queue, the consumer can retry upon failure, which increases the fault tolerance of a system. Unfortunately, there is also a downside to it.

When the aggregate root gets persisted, the recorded events are stored in a database. After that, the events are sent to a queue. These are two separate network interactions, which means one of them may fail. To ensure persisting and dispatching events succeeds or fails as one operation, a message outbox can be used.

A message outbox, transactional outbox, provides a solution for the double network interaction by buffering events in the database used for reconstitution. The events are persisted in a separate table in the database, used to re-dispatch them to a queue at a later time. Although doing so adds latency to the overall event delivery pipeline, it ensures at least once dispatching of the events. It also ensures events that are not persisted are not communicated to consumers.

In this recorded live stream, Frank explains what problem the message outbox solved and walks through implementing it.

Frank de Jonge

EventSauce is a project by Frank de Jonge.