Message Decoration

EventSauce provides the possibility to decorate messages. What this means is that you can add headers to messages to provide extra contextual information before a message is persisted and/or dispatched.

By default the DefaultHeaderDecorator is used by the AggregateRootRepository. This decorator adds the Header::TIME_OF_RECORDING field which is a very precise date/time record for when the message was recorded. It also ensures the Header::EVENT_TYPE is detected and filled. It also pre-processes the aggregate root id by turning it into a string and adding type information.

Time Of Recording

Storing the time of recording lets us replay events in the same order they originally happened and it’s extremely useful for business analytics too!

Almost every event sourcing project eventually comes to a point where the timing of events (and/or commands) becomes significant. Having this information from the start is a small investment that always pays itself back.

Using custom decorators

You can use custom decorator, but the DefaultHeaderDecorator must also be provided. The MessageDecoratorChain can be used to combine your custom decorators with the default one.


use EventSauce\EventSourcing\DefaultHeadersDecorator;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Message;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\MessageDecorator;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\MessageDecoratorChain;

class YourDecorator implements MessageDecorator
    public function decorate(Message $message): Message
        return $message->withHeader('x-decorated-by', 'Frank de Jonge');

$decoratorChain = new MessageDecoratorChain(
    new DefaultHeadersDecorator(),
    new YourDecorator()

Now that you’ve got your decorator chain setup you can use it as one of the constructor arguments of the AggregateRootRepository.


use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AggregateRootRepository;

$repository = new AggregateRootRepository(
    $optionalDispatcher, // or NULL

From now on every message that’s released by one of your aggregate roots will have additional headers.

Adding multiple headers at once.

It’s also possible to add multiple headers at once using ::withHeaders:


use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Message;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\MessageDecorator;

class YourDecorator implements MessageDecorator
    public function __construct(RequestContext $context)
        $this->context = $context;
    public function decorate(Message $message): Message
        return $message->withHeaders([
            'x-decorated-by' => 'Frank de Jonge',
            'x-request-id' => $this->context->requestIdentifier(),

Message Immutability

It’s important to note that Message objects are modeled as immutable objects. The withHeader and withHeaders methods return a new (cloned) version with the added headers.

Frank de Jonge

EventSauce is a project by Frank de Jonge.