Setting preconditions

Often you’ll want to set up preconditions for tests. These are events recorded prior to the interaction you want to test in the current scenario. This can be provided using the given method. This method receives one or more events:

class SigningUp extends SignUpProcessTestCase
     * @test
    public function signing_up_works()
        ->when(new PerformDummyTask($this->aggregateRootId()))
            new SignUpWasInitiated(),
            new EmailWasSpecifiedForSignUp('[email protected]')
            new FinalizeSignUpProcess()
            new SignUpWasFinalized()

In our aggregate root this may be translated to:


class SignUpProcess implements AggregateRoot
    use AggregateRootBehaviour;

    private $singupWasInitiated = false;
    private $emailUsed = null;

    public static function initiate(SignupId $id)
        $process = new static($id);
        $process->recordThat(new SignUpWasInitiated());

    public function applySignUpWasInitiated(): void
        // handle

    public function specifyEmailAddress(string $email): void
        $this->recordThat(new EmailWasSpecifiedForSignUp($email));

    public function applyEmailWasSpecifiedForSignUp(EmailWasSpecifiedForSignUp $event): void
        $this->emailUsed = $event->email();

    public function finalize(): void
        if ( ! is_string($this->emaiUsed)) {
            throw NoEmailWasSpecifiedDuringSignup::forProcess($this->aggregateRootId);

        $this->recordThat(new SignUpWasFinalized());
Frank de Jonge

EventSauce is a project by Frank de Jonge.